Your feedback on the Electricity Authority’s funding for 2025/26

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is seeking feedback on its funding for 2025/26. We are seeking feedback on three options for our operating appropriation:

  • Option 1: No change
  • Option 2: System operator uplift +$5.7 million
  • Option 3: System operator and inflation uplift +$7.8 million.

We are seeking support for Option 3, which would enable us to maintain third-party service levels and deliver high priority and impact work faster. This aligns with Government priorities to boost our work to improve competition and security of supply, to achieve better outcomes for consumers.

The electricity system is becoming increasingly complex, which is resulting in third parties needing to do more and requiring more funding to do so.

Option 3 would be a small increase to bills – $0.12 per month more for households and $0.77 per month more for businesses – but would drive better long-term outcomes for consumers. 

We welcome your feedback in the form below by 5pm, 13 December 2024. Submissions will inform our advice to the Minister for Energy on the appropriate level of funding and levies for our work for 2025/26.

For more information, read the consultation paper or view our consultation webpage. For any questions, contact

Option 1: No change

Option 2: System operator uplift +$5.7 million

Option 3: System operator and inflation uplift +$7.8 million.

View our indicative work programme on pages 25-30 of the consultation paper

If you have any additional information you would like to submit in support of your answers, please upload as a PDF or Word document.

Drag and drop a file, or select a filemax size 100MB

The Authority will not publish personal email addresses or telephone numbers. If you indicate part of your submission should not be published, the Authority will discuss this with you before deciding whether to publish that part or not. All submissions are subject to the Official Information Act 1989.
